- Course Introduction
- Describe the specifics of the vertical fashion businesses and
- current challenges
- Explain the overall business process overview
- Describe the overall SAP solution and its architecture
- Master Data
- Map the organizational structures of the enterprise
- Outline the features of the material group hierarchy
- Describe the features of the article hierarchy
- Explain how the master data records for vendors and customers are structured in SAP S/4HANA for fashion & vertical business
- Explain the difference between the different business partner categories and roles
- Distinguish between the plant categories “distribution center and “store”
- Create variant-creating characteristics
- Specify characteristic values and maintain characteristic value conversions
- Create a new material master
- Describe the features of material type and material categories
- Outline reference handling within material master data
- Identify some specific material master data relevant for SAP S/4HANA for fashion & vertical business
- Outline the definition of assortment and listing
- Core Concepts
- Explain the difference between logical a physical segmentation
- Name some examples for segmentation
- Create characteristics for segmentation
- Set up segmentation
- Outline where in the material master segmentation is relevant
- Consider all aspects concerning season
- Create purchasing and sales windows on different levels within season workbench
- Explain season determination in documents
- Perform season mass processing
- Learn about the overall structure of functionality that belongs to the advanced ATP.
- Explain in more details how availability is determined during order creation
- Explain the concept of backorder processing
- Explain, how demand selection and sorting is performed in BOP
- Explain, which SAP Fiori Apps are available for BOP set up and execution
- Explain, how the results of a BOP run can be evaluated
- Run and monitor backorder processing
- Describe the concept of product allocation (PAL) in the framework of advanced ATP
- Explain the SAP Fiori apps, needed to use PAL
- Planning
- Describe the material requirements planning (MRP) process within SAP S4HANA fashion & vertical business
- Outline the purpose and usage of MRP
- Create and maintain object Planned Independent Requirements (PIR)
- List elements of MRP planning
- Explain MRP enhancements for segmentation and supply assignment (ARun)
- Maintain corresponding master data settings
- Execute MRP
- Analyze the results from MRP
- Purchasing
- Outline the importance of the source of supply determination in the overall process
- Outline the purchasing process
- Explain purchase order functionalities
- Explain purchasing contracts
- Explain and create flexible purchasing contracts
- Outline the subcontracting process
- Create subcontracting purchase orders
- Wholesale Sales
- Explain the most important features of an SAP sales order
- Name the enhancements of SAP S/4HANA for fashion & vertical business which can be used in a sales order
- Describe the basic features of the available to promise check ATP
- Name preceding and successor documents of sales orders
- Explain the sales document overview feature
- Explain the main components of the purchase-to-order handling in SAP S/4HANA for fashion & vertical business
- Explain the main components of the third-party order handling
- Name the four main steps of customer consignment
- Explain the features of a rush order
- Explain features of fashion contracts in SAP S/4HANA for fashion& vertical business
- Explain multi ship-to order
- Explain features of this special fashion functionality
- Merchandizing Distribution (Retail Allocation)
- Describe the overall process of retail allocation
- Create allocation tables in reference to purchase order and from the available stock
- Elaborate on the functionalities available for managing the allocations
- Execute the follow-on process steps of retail allocation
- Elaborate on the functions in the area of collective purchase orders
- Create the collective purchase order
- Explain the retail specific merchandise distribution concept
- Inbound Logistics
- Describe inbound processing processes
- Explain what a movement type is
- Explain valuation in case of stock segmentation
- Explain scenarios in inventory management
- Explain the stock overview
- Explaining special stock types in inventory management
- Explain the vendor consignment scenario
- Explain invoice verification, online and in the background
- Logistics Execution
- Explain supply assignment basics
- Check release in in the insight to action (ITA) tool
- Other features of the insight to action (ITA) tool
- Explain the supply assignment drop report
- Perform supply assignment cross settings
- Undo supply assignment
- Perform supply assignment in subcontracting
- Explain the most important features of an outbound delivery
- Name the enhancements which can be used in an outbound delivery
- Name preceding as well as successor documents of outbound deliveries
- Explain the results of the goods issue
- Billing
- Explain the most important features of an invoice
- Name the enhancements of SAP S/4HANA for fashion & vertical business which can be used in an invoice
- Explain the document flow to FI
- Price Management
- Outline the elements of the condition technique within SAP
- Explain price determination in sales orders
- Describe price determination in purchase orders
- Describe retail pricing functionality
- Explain 1- and 2-Step price calculations
- Outline how to maintain different prices for different colors of the same generic material
- Value Added Service (VAS)
- Configure VAS types and procedures
- Configure VAS determination in sales documents and purchase orders
- Create VAS condition records
- View VAS in sales orders and purchase orders
- Create VAS manually in sales orders and purchase orders
- Application Variants
- Explain how the usage of application variants is enabled for sales and purchase orders
- Merchandizing
- Describe the function of promotion maintenance
- Explain how to set up a promotion
- Explain bonus buy
- Outline the subsequent processing functions within the promotion
- Explain the basic principles of the replenishment and store order functions
- Explain replenishment monitor and follow-on document generation
- Store Operations
- Describe the SAP In-Store Merchandise and Inventory Management
- (SAP In-Store MIM) solution and its functions
- Identify the benefits of SAP In-Store MIM and SAP Fiori for
- Retail In-Store Merchandising
- This course will prepare you to:
- Explain the overall processes and functions for vertical fashion companies covered by SAP S/4HANA for fashion & vertical business.
- Use the application creating the master data and running transactional business processes
- This course will prepare you to:
- Application Consultant
- Business Analyst
- Business Process Architect
- Business Process Owner/Team Lead/ Power User
- Enterprise Architect
- Executive
- Help Desk/CoE Support
- Industry Specialist
- Program/Project Manager
- Solution Architect
- User
- SEN100
- SEN200
- Basic knowledge in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
£4,335 GBP
Course Code:
5 days
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