- Getting Started
- Fast and effective walk through HDBSQL and SQLScript and its special functionalities
- Understanding SAP HANA extended application services and HDI to support SAP HANA development in SQL
- Learn to work with Web IDE for SAP HANA
- Quickly finding the right way to SQL solutions
- SQL Essentials
- SQL Logic Containers
- Creating user-defined functions
- Creating database procedures
- Trapping errors in SQLScript
- User defined libraries, functions and stored procedures
- Declarative Logic
- Using declarative logic
- Imperative Logic
- Using imperative logic if needed
- How to implement transactional save points
- Working with temporal tables
- OLAP operations
- Using OLAP analytic features
- Working with hierarchies
- Troubleshooting and best practices
- Tools for troubleshooting and creating professional performance tuning
- Best practices and how to reduce code volume while leveraging smart SAP HANA functionalities
- Appendix: Starting from the beginning with SQL fundamentals
- Getting Started
- This course will prepare you to:
- Find smart ways in SAP HANA to push down data intensive tasks to SAP HANA with SQLScript and guarantee performance over time
- Understand how to code using advanced SQLScript techniques with guided best practices
- Follow recommended best practices in data models for writing in- memory optimized SQL code
- Gain solid knowledge on how to fix performance issues on behalf of SAP HANA’s traces and solve those issues in an enduring way
- This course will prepare you to:
- Application Developer
- Data Modeler
- BI / BW Consultant
- Data Scientist
- Database Administrator
- SAP HANA Support Personnel
- none
- none
£2,760 GBP
Course Code:
3 days
Delivery Method:
Virtual, Classroom