- Solution Manager and Customizing Projects
- Defining Customizing Projects
- General Settings
- Checking Countries and Currencies
- Defining Units of Measurements
- Setting Up a Factory Calendar
- Organizational Units
- Defining Organizational Units in Materials Management
- Defining and Assigning Plants
- Master Data
- Setting Up Material Master Records
- Creating Material Types
- Setting Up Field Selection for Material Master Records
- Defining Field References for Material Master Records
- Configuring the Material Master
- Defining Settings for Vendor Master Records
- Valuation and Account Assignment
- Describing Automatic Account Determination
- Determining the Relevance of Company Codes and Valuation Areas
- Creating Valuation Classes and Account Category References
- Setting Up Account Determination for Specific Transactions
- Subdividing a Transaction with the Account Grouping Code
- Adjusting Account Determination for Special Cases
- Adjusting Settings for Split Valuation
- Purchasing
- Creating Document Types in Purchasing
- Using Document Types in Purchasing
- Creating Account Assignment Categories
- Adjusting the Screen Layout of Purchasing Documents
- Defining Text Types and Text Adoption
- Specifying Texts for Output Processing
- Controlling the Output of Messages in Purchasing
- Using Condition Technique for Message Determination
- Inventory Management
- Adjusting Settings for Material and Accounting Documents
- Adjusting Settings for Goods Movements
- Adjusting the Output of Messages in Inventory Management
- Make selected configurations for the implementation of the Materials Management component of the SAP system
- Application Consultant
- Business Process Architect
- Business Process Owner / Team Lead / Power User
- Program / Project Manager
- User
£4,600 GBP
Course Code:
5 days
Delivery Method:
Virtual, Classroom