- Pricing
- Condition technique for the definition and maintenance of prices, surcharges, and discounts
- Using prices and other conditions in sales documents
- Introduction in Condition Contract Management
- Billing
- Controlling billing documents
- Creation forms and settlement forms for billing documents
- Billing plans and down payments
- Revenue account determination features of the SD-FI interface
- Delivery processes and customizing
- Controlling outbound deliveries
- The Goods Issue Process based on the outbound delivery
- Processes and Functions based on the delivery with Embedded EWM
- Cross Functional Topics
- Impact of Organizational Structures
- Modifying Copy Control
- Set up Text Control
- Set up Output
- Get an overview of performing system modifications and using enhancement technology
- Certification examination for SAP Certified Application Associate
- Pricing
- This course will prepare you to:
- Gain a detailed knowledge of using the functions and customizing settings of Pricing, Billing, Shipping and Cross-Functional Topics in S4HANA Sales
- This course will prepare you to:
- Application Consultant
- Business Analyst
- Solution Architect
£8,670 GBP
Course Code:
10 days
Delivery Method: